Huguenot portraits C - D
Huguenot portraits | A - B | C - D | E - H | J - R | S - Z
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Carl, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel 1654-1730 He invited Huguenots to settle in Hesse. Mezzotint engraving by P. Schenk |
Carl, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel 1654-1730 copper engraving |
Carl, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel 1654-1730 copper engraving |
Centurier, Guillaume 1776-1829 French-Reformed minister in Parstein |
Centurier, Isaac 1745-1816 French-Reformed minister in Battin |
Chodowiecki, Daniel 1726-1801 self portrait, 1758, section of etching E 14 |
Claude, Jean 1618-1687 Reformed minister in Charenton, copper engraving |
Clément, David 1645-1725 Waldensian minister in Hofgeismar, statue by Karin Bormann, Hofgeismar |
Coligny statue in Wilhelmshaven, photo by Fanöe |
Coligny, Gaspard de 1519-1572 Huguenot army leader, copper engraving |
Coligny, Gaspard de 1519-1572 Huguenot army leader, lithography from Fliedner "Buch der Märtyrer", Vol. II, 2 |
Coligny, Gaspard de 1519-1572 Huguenot army leader, copper engraving by Vinkeles, 1788, after J. Buys |
Coligny, Gaspard de 1519-1572 Huguenot army leader, copper engraving |
Coligny, Louise 1555-1620, daughter of Gaspard de Coligny, ancestor of the Great Elector, 1556-1620 |
Coligny, the three brothers Odet, 1517-1571, cardinal Gaspard, 1519-1572, army leader and Francois, 1521-1569, officer, copper engraving |
Condé, Louis 1530-1569 Huguenot army leader, copper engraving |
Correvon, Charles Eugene 1856-1928 French-Reformed minister in Frankfurt/Main |
Correvon, Charles Eugene 1856-1928 French-Reformed minister in Frankfurt/Main |
Cuny, Jean Jacques 1736-1817 merchant in Magdeburg |
d'Albret, Jeanne 1528-1572 Königin von Navarra, Hugenottin, Mutter von Heinrich IV |
d'Albret, Jeanne 1528-1572 ueen of Navarra, Huguenot, Mother of Henry IV |
d'Albret, Jeanne 1528-1572 ueen of Navarra, Huguenot, Mother of Henry IV |
Desmier d'Olbreuse, Eleonore 1639-1722 Wife of George William of Brunswick |
Désor, Pierre Edouard 1811-1882 naturalist from Friedrichsdorf, medal, 1883 |
de Vignolles, Alphonse 1649-1744 French-Reformed minister in Schwedt and Berlin, copper engraving |
Devrient, Emil 1803-1876 actor, litography by Weger, Leipzig |
Devrient, Ludwig 1784-1832 actor in Berlin |
Devrient, Ludwig 1784-1832 actor, statue in the Hilton, Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin |
Drelincourt, Charles 1595-1669 theologian, author of a catechism, copper engraving by M.B. |
du Bois-Reymond, Emil 1818-1896 doctor and physiologist, photo reproduction |
Durand, Marie 1712-1778 Huguenot, after Jeanne Lombard |
Durand, Marie 1712-1778 Huguenot, after a drawing by Jeanne Jacq |
Durand, Marie 1712-1778 Huguenot, by Jean Chièze |
Durieux, Tilla 1880-1971 actress, pencil drawing by Max Slevogt |
Durieux, Tilla 1880-1971 actress, photo reproduction |
du Titre, Marie 1748-1827 Berliner character, reproduction |